Firstly, you need to know what the equipment for home gym fitness is. On the whole, equipment for home gym fitness is some equipment piece that you can purchase which will assist you to get your body in great shape. And, this can include no matter which from equipments that work on every area of your body, all the way to bikes and treadmills for running and walking, to weights that lit the tone of your body. All of these pieces of equipment for home gym fitness does the different things, so it's important that you learn some of the facts on how to select the equipment for home gym fitness for your own.
What do you want to do?
The initial thing you should think regarding when you're choosing equipment for home gym fitness is what you would like to do with it. You should be able to concentrate on what you are able to do with the gym equipment and your body parts that the equipment can work on.
Therefore the very first step in selecting the equipment for home gym fitness is to make a decision what body areas that you want to focus on. If you have to, consult your doctor to make a decision what your body problem parts are, and make a decision on a workout plan that would fit your wants and needs and assist you to get your body in great shape. After that you can start to purchase the equipment for home gym fitness.
How frequently are you going to make use of it?
The other issue that you must think when it talking about the equipment for home gym fitness is how frequently you're going to use of the Garage equipment. You may not want to pay out a lot of cash on something if you're only going to make use of it every now and then. However, if you really plan on exercising daily, you may be better off spending in the more pricey pieces that can really get your body in shape and get you moving.
You can also find more info on Garage equipment is a comprehensive resource which provide information about garage.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
How to Pick the Best Equipment For Home Gym Exercise
The Fastest Way to Lose Weight - Get Rid of Your Belly in 12 Days Or Less
Here's the fastest way to lose weight using exercise. You can expect to get rid of your belly in 12 days or less. Don't make this complicated. It's easy. Just do it and be happy with the results.
Fastest Way to Lose Weight...
Incline walking!
Incline walking is probably the fastest way you're going to lose weight. Now, I know you probably have walked before, perhaps a lot, and didn't get much if any weight loss results.
Well, that's because you were walking on a flat ground or didn't incline a treadmill.
But the simple act of inclining a treadmill to either 10 degrees or 15 degrees makes a huge difference. Then all you need to do is walk on it for 15 minutes. Although, I'd rather you walk on it for 20 minutes to help speed up weight loss.
So why the difference between walking and incline walking?
The major difference is that incline walking forces you to suck in more oxygen. This happens because of a big oxygen deficit that this type of walking creates.
Basically, the more heavy you are breathing, the better it is for losing weight fast.
Walking on a flat surface does have it's place for good health and weight loss, but it's more for maintaining weight loss than it is for creating weight loss.
One tip to make incline walking even better. Sprinkle in a few fast runs. A 10 second dash as fast as you can. Then go back to walking. The 10 second run creates more of an "Afterburn" effect where your body will burn fat at a higher rate for up to 18 hours after the workout.
So there you go, the fastest way to lose weight is to walk on an incline and sprinkle in a few runs.
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WHY get the report? BECAUSE reading this article shows you're NOT 100% HAPPY with your body. Start fresh today. This report will help you lose 10+ pounds, balance your hormones, and give you tons of energy.
I think you're committed to losing weight BECAUSE you read this article. That's an important 1st step. Look, if weight loss truly is a PRIORITY for you, then click to get the free report. 12,000+ women are using the report to lose weight... why not you?
Jennifer Jolan
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Get Active and Reduce Risk of an Early Death by 50 Percent
Simple fact - if you are over 30 and don't exercise, you cannot possibly have a high quality of life and in fact are risking an early death. In your youth, exercise is largely about appearance and performance. Disease. illness and dysfunction are simply too remote to fuel your desire to become and stay active.
But, as you move into your 30s, 40s and beyond, suddenly there is a realization that your body is not indestructible anymore and is starting to show signs of wear and tear. Life's grind begins to impact you in ways not experienced earlier in life and the snow balling effect can range from mildly intrusive to massively disruptive.
Increased responsibilities in life, coupled with longer workdays often lead to higher levels of chronic stress. And, tighter schedules lead many to abandon an exercise program as something that just takes up too much time. So, it takes a back seat to building a career and taking care of a family. The problem is though, when you de-prioritize exercise with increasing age, the negative impact reaches further and far beyond what you ever imagined.
Indeed, inactivity can stifle and endanger nearly every part of your life...
Inactivity weakens your immune system - Lack of exercise slows down cleansing the body of toxins and waste products weakening the immune system.
An increase in blood flow associated with proper exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection. This provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs and viruses. A healthy immune system helps the body fight diseases such as cancer.
Inactivity slows your metabolism. After age 30, we begin to literally lose lean muscle tissue from our body at an alarming rate. And, since muscle is metabolically active tissue (it burns the most calories), every pound of muscle lost lowers your metabolism and increases the likelihood of becoming overweight or obese. Exercise, more specifically, strength training is the only way to stop this happening. Rebuilding and maintaining lost muscle tissue reactivates your metabolic rate (the rate your body burns fuel).
Inactivity increases the risk of heart-attack. A sedentary lifestyle is now considered as dangerous a risk for developing heart disease as smoking. Even people who have had a heart attack can increase their chances of survival if they change their habits to include a proper exercise program.
We are more concerned these days with living a long and healthy life, rather than just living longer. If you do not exercise regularly, or have an inactive lifestyle, you are increasing your risk of many life threatening preventable diseases and the more likely you are to die younger.
While, inactivity leads to a downward spiral and a slow decline in your ability to fully live life, proper exercise that includes strength training exercise can profoundly enhance your life, lifestyle and even performance at work. You can also earn yourself a 50% reduction in the risk of an early death. Sounds like a pretty good deal don't you think?
Carolyn Hansen has worked in the Fitness Industry for over 30 years. Currently the co-owner of 2 Fitness Centres in Northland New Zealand. A National Champion Bodybuilder with over 25 years competition experience. Enjoys writing health and fitness articles for local newspapers and magazines. If you want a second chance to right the wrongs you have committed against your body, you can be rejuvenated. You can regain vitality, muscular strength, endurance and a higher quality of life. Go to for a FREE Report "I've Found the Fountain of Youth"- Let Me Show You Too!
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Exercise For Shoulders
Shoulders are important parts of our body that need to be exercised well. The shoulder supports the neck and provides the strength to the arms. The shoulder exercises are also to be carried out with all the safety precautions because these exercises can go terribly wrong if they are not done properly. An injury to the shoulder can be mean serious issue for many people.
Therefore all the precautions must be taken and the exercises must be performed according to the routine so that the exercises are safe and can be done effectively. The exercises can be performed with barbells or cables or dumbbell. Below listed are some of the common shoulder exercises.
Make sure that you warm up and do the shoulder rotation exercises before working out on the shoulder. This will help to avoid injuries to the shoulder and also make the shoulder exercises more effective. One of the common exercises if the barbell neck presses. In this exercise the barbell is caught with an overhand grip.
The barbell is lifted either from the rack or from the floor. The barbell is positioned behind the neck and moved in an up and down motion. This motion is repeated in the adequate number of steps. If you are not able to manage the barbell then you should ask for help or support from your gym trainer.
Make sure that you start with a lighter weight and then move on to a heavier weight. Barbell military press is another very effective exercise for the shoulder. In this exercise you have to be in the standing position. Lift the barbell to you chest with the over hand grip on the barbell. Make sure the barbell is not slipping from your hands.
Hold the barbell in a position that is slightly wider than your shoulder length. Move the barbell up and down motion and repeat this motion in sets. Make sure that you are not straining yourself and ask for support if you feel that you are not able to balance the barbell properly on your own. The cable front raise is another good exercise for the shoulder. In this exercise grip the cable and stand a few feet away from the pulley.
Adjust the weight to the required amount and then pull the cable by stretching your hands outwards to wards your shoulder level. Repeat this exercise in the sets that is required by you.
Finding the perfect Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
America’s Top 5 Diet Supplements
If we were to eat a fully balanced diet on a daily basis, we would have no need of dietary supplements. Sadly, this has become almost impossible in this modern time, and even if it were possible, many people are ruled more by their personal tastes and preferences than by good dietary sense. At the same time, obesity has become a national epidemic, and weight loss is a concern for many Americans. This desire for weight loss has led to many people going on diets that severely limit their intake of needed nutrients and vitamins. The wide spread use of diet supplements address this problem, and the manufacture and sale of them has become a growth industry.
A new online site has produced a new list of all of the articles being written giving the most up to date information on diet supplements. It is called the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements site or the IBIDS. One of the features of the site is a list of the five top search subjects among dietary supplements. A recent look at this list yielded what could be considered the top five diet supplements in American at least in regards to the public’s interest in them.
It is not a surprise that the number one spot goes to a supplement that addresses weight loss. The top spot goes to a South African Plant called Hoodia that is actually an appetite suppressant rather than a fat burner. The number two position is held by Grape Seed Extract (gse). Grape seed extract strengthens and protects living tissue. It has found to be useful for promoting healing of wounds.
Calcium is in third place. This is a better known product that strengthens bones and teeth. Although it is available in many normal food substances, most of them are not in the junk food category and supplementation is needed. Fourth place goes to another well known substance, vitamiin C. Vitamin C was one of the first dietary supplements when oranges and other Vitamin C rich fruits were used on British ships to combat scurvy. Vitamin C has the distinction of being one of the least toxic substances known to medicine, so overdoing its intake is not a big concern.
The final place goes to Acidophilus which replaces the natural and helpful bacteria that flourishes in the human digestive tract. The introduction of pasteurization and the mania to keep bacteria out of our food has caused some problems because a certain amount of bacteria has been necessary to our body, and we are killing the good ones along with the bad.
This list represents a current top five, and it will most likely change frequently. Diet supplements accomplish a good and necessary purpose, but they are also susceptible to being the fad of the month.
Natalie Aranda writes about diet and fitness. It is not a surprise that the number one spot goes to diet supplements that address weight loss. The top spot goes to a South African Plant called Hoodia that is actually an appetite suppressant rather than fat burners. The number two position is held by grape seed extract (gse). Grape seed extract strengthens and protects living tissue. It has found to be useful for promoting healing of wounds.
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Best Bodybuilding Supplements for Teens
In every competition, the main objective of each athlete is to win. For them winning is almost everything, that is why they take huge dosages of various nutritional supplements just to take advantages over their rivalries. One of the most popular bodybuilding supplements used by athletes including teens and adults is the creatine supplement. Creatine is taken to optimize the power or strength and improve the performance of every sport minded individuals.
Doctors are still conducting a thorough study about the benefits and health risks of taking creatine supplement, since they are still unspecified until now. They’re not even aware of its side effects duration, especially on the physical aspects that are still under the process of growing. Condition like this, hinders teens and young adults under 18 years old including pregnant women to take creatine supplements. Further, people who are suffering kidney troubles should be prohibited from taking this supplement and it is important to seek first some professional advice before jumping into final decision.
Creatine supplements are easy to get because it is used popularly. It comes in wide arrays of product brands and is accessible over the counter, in any drug stores, department stores and you can even order it online. The use of this supplement is expected to increase every year because of the increasing population of various users. Most of them are male, although there are also some women who are on the edge of using this. In the case of power sports such as wrestling, hockey and football, creatine supplement also top as the best. Aside from teens that are on the “hot” of indulging themselves in any sports activities, creatine is also taken as the best body building supplements.
In other words, starting from amateur up to professional, from high school going up to college, and in all degrees of performance, the use of creatine supplements is found. Almost 44 percent of young athletes aging from 6-12 admitted that they are taking creatine.
Creatine is the origin of energy for the contraction of the muscles that is why it is highly recommended as bodybuilding supplements. Our own body can also produce creatine in our pancreas, liver and kidneys. You can also obtain higher creatine substance if you’re eating more fish and meat than taking vegetarian diets. Creatine is stored on our body most especially on the skeletal muscles to be able to utilize it during the body movements or exercise. The remaining substances are distributed all throughout to your brain, heart and the rest of the tissues.
Performance Creatine Monohydrate Buy 1 get the second 50% off.
Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. Starting from amateur up to professional, from high school going up to college, and in all degrees of performance, the use of creatine supplements is found. Almost 44 percent of young athletes aging from 6-12 admitted that they are taking creatine. Creatine is the origin of energy for the contraction of the muscles that is why it is highly recommended as bodybuilding supplements. Our own body can also produce creatine in our pancreas, liver and kidneys.
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Monday, September 1, 2008
Exercise programs and videos tend to come and go throughout the years. It is very rare when a new program lasts more than a year. Only a few will ever stand the test of time. One of those exercise programs that has had a long lasting impact though, is Buns of Steel.
Buns of Steel is a fantastic workout that has managed to help many women stay in shape for well over a decade. The Buns of Steel workout is a unique program that targets the legs and rear end.
The workout begins, of course with a nice warm-up but Tammy Webb uses an approach that was not common among exercise gurus of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. She started with the aerobic portion of the routine.
Before Buns of Steel, most (if not all) exercise programs saved the aerobic activity for the end of the program.
Anyone who has combined targeted muscle workouts with aerobic activity will tell you that saving aerobics for last will leave you sloppy and tired. You will be more likely to lose form and "go through the motions" rather than maximizing your exercise routine.
I know that after many of my workouts with Jane Fonda, I felt as if my legs had turned to jell-o by the time that the aerobic part of the routine was partially completed. I didn’t use my full range of motion and I definitely did not reap the full benefits that an hour-long exercise routine should offer.
After working out with Jane Fonda, I decided that I wasn’t going to use the bulimic approach to exercise. Once I saw an advertisement for Buns of Steel, I knew that this was the program for me. It targeted my areas of concern while strengthening and toning all of the muscles of the body.
Tammy Webb is also a wonderful instructor who explains why squats are so very important. She illustrates that you are utilizing the biggest muscles in your body by doing squats and she explains how this benefits you while you are completing the Buns of Steel routine.
I learned that the best approach to any exercise program is to begins with a warm-up, go into your fat-burning cardio portion of the routine while you still have energy and save the isometric holds for the latter part of the Buns of Steel workout. This segues beautifully into my favorite part of any exercise workout; the cool-down.
Buns of Steel is not the only workout program I use. I have a collection of aerobic exercise tapes, Pilates DVDs and even Tae Bo but I do visit Tammy Web and Buns of Steel on regular occasions. I find the workout to be a good staple in my overall fitness regimen. If you want to achieve a more healthier you, then you can't go wrong with using Buns of Steel.
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Read more on Bodybuilding supplements. Check out for exercises and shoulder workouts.
Ab Exercise Machines and Equipment- Do they Really Help or Work?
It seems that every time you turn on the TV you see some kind of infomercial for a different ab exercise machine. They all tell you about the same things; you can have perfect abs in only 5 minutes a day, etc.
Of course, we sit there and think to ourselves how great that would be because let's face it, we all want those nice tight abs. I dare say that our abs are the biggest area of concern on our body. We look in the mirror and sometimes don't like what is looking back at us. So, is an ab exercise machine right for you?
If you've already got those perfect abs, then this article isn't for you. But, if you have been wanting better looking abs and don't want to do old fashioned sit-ups, then let's take a good look at some of the various ab exercise machines to see if they can really help.
First off, I will say this. Ab exercise machines can, and do, help you get your abs into better shape. There is no doubt about it. There are many reasons for this including:
Less chance of injury - Doing sit-ups is hard on your back and neck. It's very uncomfortable to say the least. An ab exercise machine makes things much more comfortable.
It's easy to do - An ab exercise machine is easy to use and you'll know your form is perfect every time. With old fashioned sit-ups, unless you're doing them perfectly, you won't get the full benefits. Who wants to go through the hard work of doing sit-ups and then not get the benefits?
It's convenient - Let's face it, making time to hit the gym is difficult at best. An ab exercise machine makes working out much easier and on your schedule.
Fast results - The ab exercise machines are designed to provide maximum results with less work. Instead of doing 15 minutes worth of sit-ups, you can get the same results with 5 minutes on an ab exercise machine. Which would you rather do?
Best Ab Exercise Machines
Here is a brief list of some of the best ab exercise machines on the market today. You can find these machines in every price range, from as low as $20 to upwards of $500.
The Torso Track - I've used the Torso Track in the past and it gave me excellent results. The fact that it adjusts for every level of user is a big plus. At a cost of around $40, this ab machine rates very well on any list.
The Ab Slide - Another extremely simple to use ab roller that doesn't use any space at all. At a cost of around $20, this ab exercise machine is the lowest cost model on the market today. A great choice for the beginner and anyone who is on a tight budget.
The Ab Lounge - At a cost of around $175 the Ab Lounge is a very comfortable ab exercise machine. I think you could use it to lay back and watch TV in! If you have had back pain in the past, this model would make a good choice as it is easy on the back.
The Yukon Ab Crunch Machine - Priced at $275, The Yukon ab exercise machine is at the upper end of the scale. But, it is well worth the money. You'll feel like you're at the health club with this fitness machine.
You'll get yourself some great looking abs in a short period of time with this beauty. It's perfect for those who have the extra income and where space is not an issue.
There are 4 models to help you get started, but there are probably 40 more out on the market. If you're looking to get serious about getting your abs in better shape, I would highly recommend getting yourself an ab exercise machine. You will notice a big difference after a couple of months when you go back and look into the mirror!
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Read more on pilates workouts. Check out for yoga and hatha yoga tips.