Saturday, June 28, 2008

5 Popular Excuses Not to Workout or Exercise

Exercising and losing weight is hard work there is no doubt about that. It is because of this that people tend to come up with a lot of excuses why they can't workout/exercise in order to avoid hard work. The truth about exercising or working out is that it only takes about 2-3 weeks to get into a routine and after that it becomes like second nature. Excuses are nothing more than laziness. Some of the common excuses not to workout are:

I have no time to Exercise
This is probably the most popular excuse when people are asked why they don't exercise. I am not going to sit here and try to tell you that your schedule is not hectic, but I am going to sit here and tell you that no matter how busy you are in a day there is always time to workout. All that is required is about 30-45 min of exercise a day, thats it. Visit my article How to work exercise into your busy schedule for ways you can fit exercise into your busy day.

I'm too tired to exercise
This is another popular excuse that again is not really going to cut it. Research has shown that 30-45 min of medium intensity exercise has been shown to revitalize the body and regenerate your energy levels. This means that exercising actually helps to take your tiredness away. This means that you can really kill two birds with one stone. You can revitalize your body, and get the exercise your body needs to stay healthy.

The fat gene runs in the family
This excuse may sound legitimate but again its not. So what if the fat gene runs in the family, does that mean you can't try to change that by eating healthier and exercising regularly. If you do not have a medical condition, I don't care if you have the "fat gene" or not you can lose weight if you're willing to step up to the challenge and change your eating and exercising habits.

Diets just don't seem to work
Well this excuse is actually kind of half right, however; it still is not worthy of an excuse. Diets somewhat work; the problem is that they are temporary. In order for you to lose weight and keep it off while staying healthy is to take the concept of a diet and make it a part of your lifestyle. The biggest problem with people dieting is that they lose the weight they wanted to and then they go back to the lifestyle that got them fat or unhealthy in the first place.

I'll start at the beginning of the month.

No you won't. This excuse is nothing more than an excuse to buy you more time to come up with another excuse as to why when the beginning of the month comes around why you have to wait even longer. The key to losing weight and shaping up your health is to stop putting off the inevitable and start doing it today.

If you are really serious about losing weight or wanting to change your lifestyle in order to become healthier, than instead of spending all your time coming up with reasons why you can't, spend your time doing and you will notice results before you know it. Getting started is the hardest part, once its part of your daily routine then it will be like second nature to you and you won't even have to think about it.

For more tips on weight loss and fitness you can visit my website Health and Fitness Focus.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

4 things that could be killing your fitness results.

Whether you are trying to lose weight, or trying to bulk up people all over the place seem to ignore or just overlook certain very important aspects of fitness that usually lead to slower results, or no results at all. We live in a fast paced, "want it right now" society that expects results to happen in a matter of days. It is because of this reason that individuals feel that if they take short cuts that they will be able to see results quicker. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are basically 4 things that I notice a lot of people often ignoring that really are very important to your fitness goal success.

1. Muscles are not made of steel.

The reason I say this is that a lot of individuals think that the longer they workout, the faster they will gain muscle and/or lose weight. The truth however is that your muscles are exactly like the rest of your body; they needs rest. When you workout or exercise your muscles are put under stress which causes little microscopic tears in them. These tears are then repaired and this is what causes the growth to your muscles, however; when you over-train or don't allow enough time for your muscles to heal, these tears aren't able to be fully repaired and could end up causing you to lose muscle and/or cause injury to yourself.

2. Consistency is key
This is a major aspect of any kind of fitness goals. I can guarantee that you will not see the results you want if you just work out or exercise whenever you can get a chance. If you are absolutely serious about losing weight or gaining muscle you will have to work a routine into your daily schedule. Having a routine that is consistent will keep your body in check and will keep it on its toes, which means faster results.

3. Get motivated
Motivation in my opinion is probably one of the most important aspect of achieving your fitness goals; or any other type of goals for that matter. Unless you are someone who exercises and workout because you enjoy it, you will quickly find that exercising for bulking or losing weight can be very long and hard process. You will need to find something to motivate you and keep your eyes focused on the bigger picture. This motivation can come from an exercise buddy, picture of what you used to look like, a picture of what you'd like to look like, or interacting with an online community that is in the same boat as yourself.

4. Making a fitness plan.
This is something I have myself used on many occasions and would strongly recommend that everybody do. The idea is to first come up with an exercise plan that is going to outline your workout days, the types of exercises, and the duration of each exercise. This will help to remind you of what you should be doing. Next make a list of short term goals and keep a log of all your goals that you meet, this help you to track your progress and will also help to motivate you by getting to see those results that you're after.

I have personally found that keeping these tips in mind and incorporating them into my workouts/exercise has greatly helped me to stay focused and reach my intended goals faster. If you have been trying to reach your fitness goals without the success you are looking for give these pointers a try.

For more information on health and fitness visit my website: Health and Fitness Focus